I am a Life coach/counselor and Alcohol Addiction Coach. For over 15 years I have been helping people with alcohol addiction and since 6 years with The Sinclair Method. I find the results of TSM astonishing over and over again. I guide people all over the world also with other problems. Please feel free to visit Counseling Algarve.

For the past twenty three years I have been actively involved in spiritual growth, philosophy, quantum physics and epigenetics. I have been able to meet modern teachers who still inspire me today. In 1999 I was initiated as an Integral Yoga Teacher by Swami Satchidananda (de Woodstock Guru) and immersed myself in meditation, and pranayama (breathwork).

It is always good to take a close look at your drinking habits. We do the same with food and exercise and the work we do. Why do you drink, how did it start? Are you losing control over your drinking? Are you losing control over your life or have you lost control already because of your drinking?

Change your life and do it NOW. ‘It’s Your Life, Your Happiness’.


Make an appointment today………

Kindest regards,
