With The Sinclair Method also you will be able to decide whether you drink a glass now and then or stop completely. A scientifically proven method against alcohol addiction with 78% success rate!
what is the Sinclair method - TSM
The Sinclair Method is a method of curing alcohol addiction by using the opiate antagonist Naltrexone or Nalmefeen combined with drinking alcohol. You crave less and less alcohol while the enjoyment of a glass of drink persists. It seems as if you are slowly regaining the brake. The Sinclair Method gives a lot of confidence because you can fall back on something. It is a kind of de-learning process of the brain and over time you will be able to choose to stop after one glass, a second or a third, or stop altogether. Read more…….. Reed more……..
In addition to my other counseling, I have been guiding people with alcohol addiction for years and in the 6 years that I have been a certified coach for The Sinclair Method, I have been able to help hundreds of people with TSM by now. Dutch, Portuguese and English speaking people all over the world and the results continue to be astonishing. People who have struggled for years and have tried almost everything from Dry January to AA to the most expensive rehab clinics. People who are currently struggling with an alcohol problem are lucky to be able to start with The Sinclair Method right away.
Thanks to The Sinclair Method, many lives have been saved and relationships with partners, friends, family and children have been restored. Jobs have been saved and people have regained control over their lives by taking control of their alcohol intake.
I would like to emphasize again that alcohol can have very serious consequences for our health. Because alcohol is absorbed through our mucous membrane in the mouth, esophagus and our blood, it has a direct effect on our entire body, brain and immune system. The Sinclair Method is a method to eliminate cravings that come from the brain. That’s great, of course, but it doesn’t affect your view or relationship to alcohol.
your relationship with alcohol
The Sinclair Method immediately offers a good opportunity to work on yourself and your relationship to alcohol. This Method is great because you have less and less cravings for booze and over time you can decide for yourself whether or not to drink. It cannot be the intention to leave the decision to the pill Naltrexone because then you still have no control. If the method works, you finally will be in charge again. If you don’t want to drink then you just don’t drink. From now on you’ll start drinking because you want to drink and not because you have to. That’s the big difference!
why do you drink alcohol?
Has it become a habit? Do you want to numb yourself so that you can escape reality, the past or the uncertain future? You are poisoning yourself, your body and mind with every glass of alcohol, you know that. Do you really only belong if you also drink alcohol? Are you interested in The Sinclair Method because you want to belong? Are you interested to regain control of your drinking, or do you want to do The Sinclair Method to stop forever and have that little pill on hand so that you never have to worry about a relapse again? Whatever your goal is, I’m happy to help!

free at last
Free at last is one of the most common reactions of people who have mastered their alcohol addiction thanks to The Sinclair Method.
A freedom with regard to drinking and alcohol that is self-evident for most people without alcohol problems. Thanks to The Sinclair Method you get back that free feeling that you have missed for so long. Finally, like most other people, you can now decide for yourself whether you drink or not and how much you drink. Finally, you are no longer busy with alcohol and drinks 24/7 and you can just walk into the drink line in the supermarket.
never fear again
Never fear again is a second common reaction. No more fear of going wrong and relapsing. No more going back to that very difficult, lonely journey. No longer afraid of being looked down on as if you have a contagious disease or are less than someone else.
With a 78% success rate, there is a good chance that The Sinclair Method is also something for you. At this 78% there is about 10% who do not comply with the conditions of 1-2 hours, so the percentage is even higher. Whether it is the first time that you want to do something about your alcohol addiction or have already tried almost everything. With screening via a video call, we can quickly determine whether The Sinclair Method could be something for you.
4 steps plan
To start with The Sinclair Method and tackle your alcohol addiction, there are 4 steps to take.
1. Introductory meeting so that you know what you are getting into and also if want to be guided by me.
2. The screening, where we can quickly determine whether The Sinclair Method could be something for you.
3. The prescription and intake schedule.
4. Start with therapy.
Click here to go directly to the procedure
- What is an alcohol addiction?An alcohol addiction is characterised by an insatiable need for alcohol in which one loses control. It is therefore impossible or hardly possible to stop independently. The ‘wanting’ to drink turns into ‘having to’ drink.
- Do I have an alcohol addiction?– Usually you know that you have an alcohol problem, but you have not yet accepted it.
– In your eyes you have a problem, but if you look around you that everyone around you and there are people who drink even more than you.
– The fact that you are reading this may also be a sign that you have an alcohol problem.
– It’s hard to admit and a good idea to talk about this seriously and do something about it. Call me on tel. 0634341599 - What are the symptoms of alcohol addiction?– You drink even when you had no intention to drink.
– You drink more than you intended to drink.
– You often think about drinking.
– You look forward to the first drink at five o’clock several times during the day.
– You drink faster and faster. If you look around you, your glass is often more empty than someone else’s.
– You use alcohol to improve your mood.
– You can handle alcohol better and better. - When do you drink too much alcohol?According to science, you limit the adverse effects on your health if you don’t drink more than 1 glass a day. It is recommended not to drink alcohol at least 2 days a week.